Get Recipe Ready for the Holidays

Get Recipe Ready for the Holidays

By Michaela Caton RD, LDN 5 Tips for Recipe Modification Indulge this holiday season while still maintaining your healthy lifestyle. By choosing healthier alternatives to common ingredients you can enjoy the flavors you love without falling off plan. Challenge...
Put Your Best Self First

Put Your Best Self First

In the midst of the holiday season, while you are focused on your busy schedule, you may forget to focus on you! Unfortunately, food and health are topics are often dropped to the end of your list when you are busy or stressed. When one takes care of their own needs,...
The Mindful Mindset

The Mindful Mindset

With the holiday season upon us, you are sure to be tempted with an unlimited array of food. Sticking to your healthy lifestyle changes during this time may seem impossible, but with these simple tips for a mindful mindset you can “have your cake and eat it too”.  ...
3 Ways to Become a Vegetable Lover (and Why It Matters!)

3 Ways to Become a Vegetable Lover (and Why It Matters!)

As a practicing Registered Dietitian, some of the most common questions and statements I hear from patients include “How do I eat all of these vegetables?”, “How can I hide some of these vegetables?”, and “I can’t eat that many veggies.”  First and foremost,...
6 Reasons to Enjoy Seasonal Produce this Spring

6 Reasons to Enjoy Seasonal Produce this Spring

You may have heard of buying or eating “in season,” but what does it actually mean? Seasonal produce naturally grows and is harvested in your local area; available options vary based on region and climate. Traditionally, this is how everyone used to eat because...